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S. Rojas Macías, A. Rodríguez Diéguez
D. Choquesillo-Lazarte,
"Slow Magnetic Relaxation and Modulated Photoluminescent Emission of Coordination Polymer Based on 3-Amino-4-hydroxybenzoate Zn and Co Metal Ions", Molecules, vol.28
, 1846-, 2022
M.P. Stevens, E. Spray, I.J. Vitorica Yrezabal, K. Singh, V.M. Timmermann, L. Sotorrios
F. Ortu,
"Structural Investigation of Magnesium Complexes Supported by a Thiopyridyl Scorpionate Ligand", Molecules, vol.27
, 4564-, 2022
S. Rojas Macías, J. Garcia-Gonzalez
N. M. Padial,
"Ti-based robust MOFs in the combined photocatalytic degradation of emerging organic contaminants", Scientific Reports, vol.12
, 14513-, 2022
S. Rojas Macías, J. Garcia-Gonzalez, P. Salcedo-Abraira, I. Rincon, J. Castells-Gil, N. Padial, C. Martí-Gastaldo
P. Horcajada,
"Ti¿based robust MOFs in the combined photocatalytic degradation of emerging organic contaminants", Scientific Reports, vol.12
, 14513-14513, 2022
L. Binks, C. Tian, S.D. Fielden, I.J. Vitorica Yrezabal
D.A. Leigh,
"Transamidation-Driven Molecular Pumps", Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol.144
, 15838-15844, 2022
S. Borsley, D.A. Leigh, B.M. Roberts
I.J. Vitorica Yrezabal,
"Tuning the Force, Speed, and Efficiency of an Autonomous Chemically Fueled Information Ratchet", Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol.144
, 17241-17248, 2022
G. Armani, S. Rojas Macías, V.A. De La Peña
P. Horcajada,
"Green Energy Generation Using Metal-Organic Frameworks", "Metal-Organic Frameworks in Biomedical and Environmental Field", 55-109, 2021
M.E. López-Vargas, S. Rojas Macías, E. Echenique-Errandonea, J.M. Seco, A. Rodríguez Diéguez
I. Fernandez-De Las Nieves,
"A new heterobimetallic Y/Eu-MOF for the formation of quaternary stereocenters", "X Simposio de Investigación en Ciencias Experimentales", None-None, 2021
Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024