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A. García García, S. Rojas Macías
A. Rodríguez Diéguez,
"Therapy and diagnosis of Alzheimer¿s disease: from discrete metal complexes to metal¿organic frameworks", Journal of Materials Chemistry B, vol.11
, 7024-, 2023
F. Ayesh Alharthi, G.T. Potter, G.C. Jayson, G.F. Whitehead, I.J. Vitorica Yrezabal
J.M. Gardiner,
"Unexpected Diastereomer Formation and Interconversions in Cyclohexane-1,2-diacetal Derivatization of a Glucuronic Acid Thioglycoside", Organic Letters, vol.25
, 2196-2200, 2023
S. Rojas Macías
"A cooper glufosinate based Metal-Organic Framework as novel multifunctional agrochemical", "III Congreso sobre Materiales Multifuncionales", None-None, 2022
S. Rojas Macías
"Environmental interest of Metal-Organic Frameworks", "XVIII Simposio de Jóvenes Investigadores Químicos de la RSEQ", None-None, 2022
M.E. López, M.E. López-Vargas, A. Forte-Castro, E. Echenique-Errandonea, S. Rojas Macías, J.M. Seco, A. Rodríguez Diéguez
I. Fernandez-De Las Nieves,
"Formation of cyclic carbonates from carbon dioxide using metal-organic frameworks catalysts of terbium and ytrium/terbium", "XI SIMPOSIO DE INVESTIGACIÓN EN CIENCIAS EXPERIMENTALES 2022", None-None, 2022
M.E. López, J.M. Pérez, S. Rojas Macías, E. Echenique-Errandonea, J.M. Seco, A. Rodríguez Diéguez
I. Fernandez-De Las Nieves,
"Formation of quaternary carbons with a new heterobimetallic Y/Eu-MOF", "8th Latin American Symposium on Coordination and Organometallic Chemistry", None-None, 2022
S. Rojas Macías
"Metal-Organic Framework as multifunctional platforms in the removal and efficient use of emerging organic contaminants", "8th International Workshop on Layered & Nanostructured Materials", None-None, 2022
S. Rojas Macías
"Metal-Organic Frameworks in the elimination of Emerging Contaminants: from the bench to natural environments", "8th Internatonal Conference on Metal-Organic Frameworks and Open Framework Compounds", None-None, 2022
Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024