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A. Albrecht, M. Bobinger, J. Fernández Salmerón, M. Becherer, G. Cheng, P. Lugli
A. Rivadeneyra Torres,
"Over-Stretching Tolerant Conductors on Rubber Films by Inkjet-Printing Silver Nanoparticles for Wearables", Polymers, vol.10
, -, 2018
A.B. Ruiz-Muelle, R.J. Contreras-Cáceres, P. Oña-Burgos, A. Rodríguez Diéguez, J.M. Lopez-Romero
I. Fernandez-De Las Nieves,
"Polyacrylic acid polymer brushes as substrates for the incorporation of anthraquinone derivatives. Unprecedented application of decorated polymer brushes on organocatalysis", Applied Surface Science, vol.428
, 566-578, 2018
J. Leng, C.A. Goodwin, I.J. Vitorica Yrezabal
D.P. Mills,
"Salt metathesis routes to homoleptic near-linear Mg(ii) and Ca(ii) bulky bis(silyl)amide complexes", Dalton Transactions, vol.47
, 12526-12533, 2018
T. Wang, J.S. Stevens, T. Vetter, G.F. Whitehead, I.J. Vitorica Yrezabal, H. Hao
A.J. Cruz-Cabeza,
"Salts, Cocrystals, and Ionic Cocrystals of a ¿Simple¿ Tautomeric Compound", Crystal Growth & Design, vol.18
, 6973-6983, 2018
A. Albrecht, A. Rivadeneyra Torres, M. Bobinger, J. Bocaccini-Calia, F. Loghin, J. Fernández Salmerón, M. Becherer, P. Lugli
A. Falco,
"Scalable Deposition of Nanomaterial-Based Temperature Sensors for Transparent and Pervasive Electronics", Journal of Sensors
, -, 2018
V. San-Nacianceno, L. Ibarlucea, C. Mendicute-Fierro, A. Rodríguez Diéguez, J.M. Seco, A.J. Mota Ávila
M.A. Garralda,
"Secondary Oxide Phosphines to Promote Tandem Acyl-Alkyl Coupling/Hydrogen Transfer to Afford (Hydroxyalkyl)rhodium Complexes. Theoretical and Experimental Studies", Inorganic Chemistry: including bioinorganic chemistry, vol.57
, 5307-5319, 2018
S. Moreno, A. Ramos, F. Carrillo-Hermosilla, A. Rodríguez Diéguez, D. García-Vivo¿, R. Ferna¿ndez-Gala¿n
A. Antiñolo,
"Selective Three-Component Coupling for CO2 Chemical Fixation to Boron Guanidinato Compounds", Inorganic Chemistry: including bioinorganic chemistry, vol.57
, 8404-8413, 2018
A. García García, I. Oyarzabal, J. Cepeda, J.M. Seco, A.A. García Valdivia, S. Gomez-Ruiz, A. Salinas-Castillo, D. Choquesillo-Lazarte
A. Rodríguez Diéguez,
"Slow relaxation of magnetization and luminescence properties of a novel dysprosium and pyrene-1,3,6,8-tetrasulfonate based MOF", New Journal of Chemistry, vol.42
, 832-837, 2018
Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024