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E. San Sebastian, A. Rodríguez Diéguez, J.M. Seco and J. Cepeda,  "Coordination Polymers with Intriguing Photoluminescence Behavior: The Promising Avenue for Greatest Long-Lasting Phosphors",  European Journal Of Inorganic Chemistry , 2155-2174, 2018
A.B. Ruiz-Muelle, A. García García, A.A. García Valdivia, I. Oyarzabal, J. Cepeda, J.M. Seco, E. Colacio Rodríguez, A. Rodríguez Diéguez and I. Fernandez-De Las Nieves,  "Design and synthesis of a family of 1D-lanthanide-coordination polymers showing luminescence and slow relaxation of the magnetization",  Dalton Transactions, vol.47 , 12783-12794, 2018
S. Mena, A. Mirats, A.B. Caballero Hernández, G. Guirado, L.A. Barrios, S.J. Teat, L. Rodríguez-Santiago, M. Sodupe and P. Gamez,  "Drastic effect of the peptide sequence on the copper-binding properties of tripeptides and the electrochemical behaviour of their copper(II) complexes",  Chemistry: A European Journal, vol.24 , -, 2018
A. Rodríguez Diéguez, J.R. Justicia Ladrón De Guevara, P. Reiné, S.P. Morcillo Martínez, L. Alvarez De Cienfuegos Rodriguez, A. González Campaña, J.M. Cuerva Carvajal and D. Miguel Alvarez,  "Exploring potentialities and limitations of stapled o oligo(phenyleneethynylene)s (o-OPEs) as efficient circularly polarized luminescence emitters",  Chirality, vol.30 , 43-54, 2018
S. Azpeitia, A. Rodríguez Diéguez, M.A. Garralda and M.A. Huertos,  "From Remote Alkenes to Linear Silanes or Allylsilanes depending on the Metal Center",  ChemCatChem, vol.10 , 2210-2213, 2018
R.F. Brissos, P. Clavero, A. Gallen, A. Grabulosa, L.A. Barrios, A.B. Caballero Hernández, L. Korrodi-Gregório, R. Pérez-Tomás, G. Muller, V. Soto-Cerrato and P. Gamez,  "Highly Cytotoxic Ruthenium(II)-Arene Complexes from Bulky 1-Pyrenylphosphane Ligands",  Inorganic Chemistry: including bioinorganic chemistry, vol.57 , 14786-14797, 2018
G.A. Timco, A. Fernández , A.K. Kostopoulos, J.F. Charlton, S.J. Lockyer, T.R. Hailes, R.W. Adams, E.J. McInnes, F. Tuna, I.J. Vitorica Yrezabal, G.F. Whitehead and R.E. Winpenny,  "Hybrid Organic¿Inorganic Rotaxanes, Including a Hetero¿Hybrid [3] Rotaxane Featuring Two Distinct Heterometallic Rings and a Molecular Shuttle",  Angewandte Chemie (International Edition), vol.57 , 10919-10922, 2018
Á. Raya-Barón, P. Oña-Burgos, A. Rodríguez Diéguez and I. Fernandez-De Las Nieves,  "Hydrosilylation of Carbonyl Compounds Catalyzed through a Lithiated Hydrazone Derivative",  Organometallics, vol.37 , 2682-2689, 2018

Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024

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