@Article{ Fernández_Oyarzabal_Seco_San_FAIRÉN_Gomez-Ruiz_Salinas-Castillo_CALAHORRO_RODRÍGUEZ:39-48,

author = { Belen Fernández López and Itziar Oyarzabal and José Manuel Seco and Eider San Sebastian and DAVID FAIRÉN JIMÉNEZ and Santiago Gomez-Ruiz and Alfonso Salinas-Castillo and ANTONIO JESÚS CALAHORRO CASANOVA and ANTONIO RODRÍGUEZ DIÉGUEZ } ,

title = { Luminescence and Magnetic Properties of Two Three -Dimensional Terbium and Dysprosium MOFs Based on Azobenzene-4,4 '-Dicarboxylic Linker },

journal = { Polymers },

year = { 2016 },

volume = { 8 },

pages = { 39-48 },
