@Article{ Briones_Fernández_Calahorro-Casanova_FAIRÉN_Sanz_MARTINEZ_Orcajo_San_Seco_Sánchez-González_LLOPIS_RODRÍGUEZ:537-540,

author = { David Briones and Belen Fernández López and Antonio Jesús Calahorro-Casanova and DAVID FAIRÉN JIMÉNEZ and Raúl Sanz and FERNANDO MARTINEZ and Gisela Orcajo and Eider San Sebastian and José Manuel Seco and Cristina Sánchez-González and JUAN LLOPIS GONZÁLEZ and ANTONIO RODRÍGUEZ DIÉGUEZ } ,

title = { Highly Active Anti-Diabetic Metal-Organic Framework },

journal = { Crystal Growth & Design },

year = { 2016 },

volume = { 16 },

pages = { 537-540 },
