@Article{ Quartapelle-Procopio_ROJAS_M._GALLI_MASCIOCCHI_Linares-Ordoñez_MIGUEL_Oltra-Ferrero_RODRÍGUEZ_BAREA:11751-11753,

author = { Elsa Quartapelle-Procopio and SARA ROJAS MACÍAS and Natalia M. Padial and SIMONA GALLI and NORBERTO MASCIOCCHI and Fátima Linares-Ordoñez and DELIA MIGUEL ALVAREZ and Juan Enrique Oltra-Ferrero and JORGE ANDRÉS RODRÍGUEZ NAVARRO and ELISA MARÍA BAREA MARTÍNEZ } ,

title = { Study of the incorporation and release of the non-conventional half-sandwich ruthenium(II) metallodrug RAPTA-C on a robust MOF },

journal = { Chemical Communications },

year = { 2011 },

volume = { 47 },

pages = { 11751-11753 },

doi = { http://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2011/cc/c1cc14594k },
