@inproceedings{ ROJAS_Quartapelle-Procopio_Linares-Ordoñez_GALLI_MASCIOCCHI_M._Miguel_Oltra-Ferrero_RODRÍGUEZ_BAREA,
author = { SARA ROJAS MACÍAS and Elsa Quartapelle-Procopio and Fátima Linares-Ordoñez and SIMONA GALLI and NORBERTO MASCIOCCHI and Natalia M. Padial and D. Miguel and Juan Enrique Oltra-Ferrero and JORGE ANDRÉS RODRÍGUEZ NAVARRO and ELISA MARÍA BAREA MARTÍNEZ } ,
title = { Metal Organic Frameworks for the Delivery of Bioactive Molecules },
booktitle = { 5th EuCheMS Conference on Nitrogen Ligands in Coordination Chemistry, Metal-organic Chemistry, Bioinorganic Chemistry & Homogeneous Catalysis. },
year = { 2011 },
pages = { None - None },
location = { GRANADA },